Silver Maple

Learn about these trees that can reach a height of approximately 50 feet by growing 5-8 feet per year! They are extremely fast-growing and make excellent privacy screens.

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Hybrid Poplar Trees

Learn about these trees that can reach a height of approximately 50 feet by growing 5-8 feet per year! They are extremely fast-growing and make excellent privacy screens.

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Red Oak Trees

Learn more about the Northern Red Oak. These trees are medium-sized deciduous trees with a rounded to broad-spreading crown. Grows at a medium to fast rate. Can grow 50 – 75 ft tall and 50 – 75 ft wide. They typically bloom in May. They perform best in full sun and dry to medium soils.

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Hybrid Willow Trees

Learn more about the hybrid willow tree. It is a cross between Hankow Willow, Salix Matsudana, and White Willow, Salix Alba. This willow grows extremely quickly, reaching an additional 10 – 15 feet in a single year!

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Catalpa Trees

Learn more about the Northern Catalpa tree, Catalpa Speciosa, which is native to the midwestern United States. It is a medium-sized deciduous tree that can reach a height of 40 - 60 ft and a width of 20 - 40 ft. Its white or pink, trumpet-shaped flowers have yellow stripes and purple spots.

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