White Spruce

Picea Glauca


The White Spruce, or Picea Glauca, is a large evergreen conifer that typically grows to 40 – 60 feet in height. In young trees, the crown is narrow and conical while in older trees it becomes cylindrical. The cones are pendulous, slender, cylindrical. They have thin, pliable scales with a rounded margin. The leaves are needle-like and blue-green. 

White spruce’s root system is highly adaptable, responding to a variety of factors, particularly soil moisture, soil fertility, and mechanical impedance. White Spruce prefers full sun and is adaptable to some shade. They are adaptable to many different soil types. They are one of the most tolerant spruces as it withstands wind, heat, cold, trout, and crowding. 

Where it can be found

White Spruce grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 2-6.